Shaken, not stirred.

Words, famous words. First immortalised by the voice of James Bond in the 1962 film Dr No, they made drinking cocktails glamourous, sexy and even a little dangerous. Who wouldn’t want a bit of Bond in their lives!? Not that we as a nation needed any more excuse to drink cocktails. Ever since the early 20th Century we had dedicated a whole portion of the day to it, appropriately named ‘the cocktail hour’. The author Alec Waugh helped to invent this tradition and explained why in an article in Esquire Magazine: “’What one needs…is some kind of party that starts at half-past five, that last ninety minutes, at which alcohol is served but not much food.’” For rich socialites with a lot of time and money on their hands, it was the perfect event to while away time before dinner.
We've enthusiastically embraced this idea ever since and even brought the time forward, linking it to the end of the working day by declaring ‘it must be 5 o’clock somewhere!’ as the perfect excuse to indulge in our favourite tipple. Nowadays, cocktails are served for any celebration, night out, party at home amongst friends or even ‘just because’. And as we head closer to the New Year, it’s time to dust off those glasses and shake up a corker!
Fill your home with fun, utilise every room and enjoy your concoctions. If you’re hosting a party this year, here are a few decor ideas to go with your cocktails:
Every good party starts with a cocktail making station! A trolley or convenient side table would be perfect for this.
Add in some fun decorations...
...Be creative with your table and menu...
...Go to town on a theme...
...Or hark back to a bygone era by serving up your cocktails in vintage china...
...Make use of every room in your home...
...And most importantly, have fun! Happy New Year!!
And if you were wondering, here is the recipe for James Bond’s ultimate cocktail, the Vesper Martini:
• 3 measures of Gordon's Gin
• 1 measure of vodka
• 1/2 measure Kina Lillet
• Lemon peel for garnish
The ultimate cocktail: Vesper Martini. Cheers!
Thank you so much to everyone who has read and followed my blog this year, I can't wait to be back in 2017 and have loads more to share with you.
I love hearing from you and receiving your comments, so if you have any ideas on what you'd like to see more of, or if you would like to share your own home decor projects, please do get in touch!
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy start to the new year xx
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